Forming a limited liability company (B.V.) is an important step for entrepreneurs who want to formalize and protect their business. A B.V. offers several benefits, such as liability limitation and tax advantages. But is it possible to form a B.V. without employees? In this article, we will explore this question and discuss the options for establishing a B.V. without staff.

1. What is a limited liability company (B.V.)?

A limited liability company, abbreviated as B.V., is a legal form for businesses. It is an independent entity with legal personality, meaning that the B.V. is legally separate from its owner(s). A B.V. can be formed by one or more individuals and has its own assets and a board of directors that handles day-to-day management. Setting up a B.V. with FIRM24 is recommended, as setting up a B.V. can be quite complicated.

2. The importance of personnel in a limited liability company.

Traditionally, a B.V. often employs staff. Hiring staff provides benefits such as sharing workloads, increasing expertise and enabling growth. In addition, staff can be valuable in carrying out day-to-day business activities and achieving business goals.

3. Establishing a limited liability company without employees

It is certainly possible to establish a B.V. without personnel. There are several reasons why an entrepreneur may choose not to hire staff when forming a B.V. Some entrepreneurs start a sole proprietorship and later want to switch to a B.V. without hiring staff right away. Others have a business model that does not require them to hire staff to provide their services.

4. The benefits of a limited liability company without employees.

Establishing a limited liability company without personnel has several advantages. First, it allows the entrepreneur to structure his business and limit liability without having direct obligations to employees. In addition, a B.V. without staff can be flexible and allows the entrepreneur to make decisions independently without depending on employees. This gives the entrepreneur more freedom and control over his business operations.

5. The disadvantages of a limited liability company without employees

While there are advantages to forming a B.V. without employees, there are also some disadvantages to consider. A B.V. without staff may be limited in scalability and growth opportunities. The lack of staff can also mean that the entrepreneur is responsible for all aspects of the business on his or her own, which can create a large workload.

6. Taxes and a limited liability company without employees.

When setting up a B.V. without staff, there are also tax issues to consider. A B.V. is subject to corporate income tax whether or not it employs staff. It is important to fully understand the tax implications of a B.V. without staff and seek advice from a tax specialist if necessary.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Do I have to pay social security contributions if I have a limited liability company without employees?

No, if there are no employees, no social security contributions are due.

Can I hire staff later if I have established a limited liability company without staff?

Yes, a B.V. without employees can hire staff at any time as needed.

Are there restrictions on a limited liability company without employees?

No, there are no legal restrictions on establishing a limited liability company without employees.

Can I take advantage of tax schemes if I have a limited liability company without employees?

Yes, a B.V. without employees can still take advantage of various tax schemes applicable to corporations.


It is certainly possible to set up a B.V. at without staff. For entrepreneurs who do not want to hire staff or who want to hire staff later, a B.V. without staff offers flexibility and freedom. However, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons and take into account tax and legal aspects. If necessary, consult an expert for tailored advice.